Joomla 3.8 and Jquery - Does not work


Viewed 105 times


Hello! I searched everything that was singing and couldn’t find a step-by-step how to use Jquery in Joomla 3.8. I am creating a module and I would like to use Jquery.

I made it here:

1 - download jquery-3.3.1.js and put it in the folder: /modules/mod_mymodule/js

  1. Reading the Joomla documentation, I added the following lines to my modules/mod_mymodule/mod_mymodule.php file:

    JHtml::script(JURI::base() . 'js/jquery-3.3.1.js');
  2. At the bottom of my default.php file I added this:

    $document = JFactory::getDocument();
        window.event("domready", function() {
            alert("An inline JavaScript Declaration");

It should show an alert window when the page loads but does not work. What I am doing wrong?

  • Ten try to change window.event("domready", function() {&#xA; alert("An inline JavaScript Declaration");&#xA; }); for $(function() {&#xA; alert("An inline JavaScript Declaration");&#xA; });

  • But nothing happens doing it this way.

  • Take a look at that answer, it’s for an older version of Joomla, but I believe it might work for you! You have two options how to do this

1 answer


To avoid conflict with Joomla libraries you should use JQuery with a different format. Instead of using the $ to fetch the ID, CLASS, etc, you must use the name jQuery:

var variavel = jQuery("#id_do_elemento_html").val();

On this page ( you will find an example of how to add a map, here the author makes use of Jquery the way I showed above. This is an official Joomla page

I do it like this and it always works.

  • This may be the solution, but it would be interesting for you to explain to the author of the question, with official documentation, why this is the output:

  • On this page ( you will find an example of how to add a map, here the author makes use of Jquery the way I showed above. This is an official Joomla page.

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