Join Mysql tables


Viewed 129 times


  • I have a table that has the times of the day

     SELECT * FROM horas

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The type of the column hora is VARCHAR(5)

  • And a query containing the values of the hours

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT( date, '%H:%i' ) HORA
                           ,TRUNCATE( MAX( humidade ),2 ) MAX_HUMIDADE
                           ,TRUNCATE( MIN( humidade ),2 ) MIN_HUMIDADE
                       FROM medicao
                      WHERE DATE(date) = '2018-07-24'
                      GROUP BY HOUR(date)

Whose result is this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • But by doing the joinof the tables only comes a tuple

       HORAS A
       LEFT JOIN 
       (  SELECT DATE_FORMAT(, '%H:%i' ) HORA
           ,TRUNCATE( MAX( humidade ),2 ) MAX_HUMIDADE
           ,TRUNCATE( MIN( humidade ),2 ) MIN_HUMIDADE
       FROM medicao
       WHERE DATE( = '2018-07-24'
     ) B ON B.HORA = A.HORA;

Whose result is:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I started that question here, if someone wanted to understand better

  • 2

    With the query that you did, the condition of taking the data from the two tables is B.HORA = A.HORA. On the table medicacao the values of horas are closed values, such as 00:00, 01:00, ... . Then with the query that you did, the table values medicacao will only be united when the hora table hora is the same. Note that the table hora, beyond closed hours, has minutes.

  • Truthful! Now that I realize that I have entered the wrong hours values. That’s right.

  • Post that solved the problem to finalize the question.

  • But it was you who helped me see, thank you very much! You can add the answer

1 answer


Reason for the error:

With the query that you did, the condition of taking the data from the two tables is B.HORA = A.HORA. On the table medicacao the values of horas are closed values, such as 00:00, 01:00, ... . Then with the query that you did, the table values medicacao will only be united when the hora table hora is the same. Note that the time table, in addition to the closed hours, has the minutes.

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