Maintain a mobile/desktop standard size site


Viewed 109 times


I’m developing a website and I need it to stay the same standard of css for desktop and mobile, without becoming responsive. like this site, if you take the test on inspect and test on different types of mobile screens, the images only decrease, however, remain the same. How would you do that?

  • 1

  • Guy just you have a Grid that works with % and not declare the viewport. That way your layout does not fit. It seems that’s how they did it. This is the CSS with Grid that they used

1 answer


Use the meta tag viewport to adjust the page dimensions to the width and height of the device, prefer to use media queries in your css to specify different styles for different screens, this link contains more information about using @media, choose to use % instead of px, because px is a fixed measure, whereas % is a measure for the parent element.

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