Localhost Cannot read Property 'route' of Undefined


Viewed 70 times


I have an application that runs perfectly on herokuApp. But when it is in local application the build works but the dist folder has errors. The.log console shows the following 3 errors below. If anyone has gone through this and has an answer, because I am without alternatives.

client-vendor-bundle.js:27 TypeError: Cannot read property 'route' of undefined
at e.watch.sync (client-bundle1.js:10)
at Ht.<anonymous> (client-vendor-bundle.js:48)
at ji.get (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at ji.run (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at ji.update (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at Zr.notify (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at Object.set [as $$state] (client-vendor-bundle.js:27)
at client-vendor-bundle.js:48
at j._withCommit (client-vendor-bundle.js:48)
at j.replaceState (client-vendor-bundle.js:48)ae @ client-vendor-bundle.js:27

TypeError: Cannot read property 'fullPath' of undefined
at Ht.e.watch.sync (client-bundle1.js:10)
at ji.run (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at ji.update (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at Zr.notify (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at Object.set [as $$state] (client-vendor-bundle.js:27)
at client-vendor-bundle.js:48
at j._withCommit (client-vendor-bundle.js:48)
at j.replaceState (client-vendor-bundle.js:48)
at Object.<anonymous> (client-bundle1.js:2)
at t (client-vendor-bundle.js:1)ae @ client-vendor-bundle.js:27

client-vendor-bundle.js:27 TypeError: Cannot read property 'i18n' of undefined
at o.t [as $t] (client-bundle1.js:10)
at o.fullText (client-bundle1.js:2)
at ji.get (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at ji.evaluate (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at o.fullText (client-vendor-bundle.js:27)
at o.render (client-bundle1.js:10)
at o.e._render (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at o.r (client-vendor-bundle.js:27)
at ji.get (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
at new ji (client-vendor-bundle.js:32)
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