How to maintain synchronized tables in different databases?


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I have a problem where I need to synchronize some tables from a legacy database to another simpler database that will be used by an external application.


So I started to analyze manual techniques to manage the changes in both bases and replicate them in the others (not to mention the merits of conflicts and merge).

But I realized that in some ways that I could model, they end up being prone to failures in some scenarios, not counting the amount of extra columns just to control the versions and audit the records.


So I believe that you have some approaches, techniques, and database modeling that facilitate this work, and help maintain the updated data in both databases, perhaps even preventing conflicts and merge.

Something you can point me to? Something that works in a similar way to base me on?

Note: The integration cannot be performed through the database, it must be performed through webservices. Because they could be different databases.

My doubt is not about tools, but about a modeling that gives me a structure where I can get the records I should send to the other database, with the minimum of redundancy possible.

I accept suggestions to use the external database in a non-relational structure (Nosql).

  • This is a temporary situation?

  • @Dherik, it is not temporary, the external application database would be something that would be in the cloud to be consumed by another webservice. And from time to time, the data would be synchronized.

  • You only want to replicate table changes or you also want your table data?

  • @Dherik, the data, and then sync only the changes.

  • Right, data only. The expected timing is every minute, hour or day?

  • @Dherik, the time between each synchronization, would not be relevant, but as an example could be considered hourly.

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