Get multiple Entry Python values


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The idea is that the user type the number of lines and I create the entry according to this amount, this I managed to do, what I’m not getting is to get the value of these entry with get().

        lista= []
        while y1 < x1:
            y1= y1+1             


            for y1 in lista:
                self.num= Label(self.root, text= y1,font= fonte, bg=cor).grid(row=(9+y1), column=0,sticky= NW)
                self.cxx = Entry(self.root)
                self.cxx["width"] = 4
                self.cxx["font"] = fonte
                self.cxx.grid(row=(9+y1), column=1)        
  • I suggest you create a Minimum, complete and verifiable example of the problem, so it is easy to reproduce and test it. Still I don’t see any get in the code you have in question. Not to mention that all Entry are being kept on top of each other

1 answer


For this you have to create several StringVar, one for each entry:

self.entry_vars = [] # lista com todas as StringVars
for y1 in lista:
    sv = StringVar()           # cria uma StringVar e armazena
    self.entry_vars.append(sv) # na lista para uso posterior
    cx = Entry(self.root, textvariable=sv)
    cx["width"] = 4
    cx["font"] = fonte
    cx.grid(row=(9+y1), column=1)

Then just use this list of StringVars to get the text of each entry:

x = self.entry_vars[2].get() # valor da terceira entry

If all you want is to take the value of Entrys, you don’t even need to store a reference to the entry, only the StringVar are sufficient to take the values after.

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