How to make a datalist of options generated with a json using Angularjs?


Viewed 133 times


I wanted that when filling the field of professions, a list of the professions already registered for the end user would appear, as a way to help the user follow a pattern for the names. So I thought one would use a datalist that showed the professions already registered. I created a json that lists the professions already registered in the table, as well as a controller using Angularjs that pulls this data. Searching, I found two ways to make my datalist, one using the option tag, another using the select tag, the problem is that none works the way I wanted.

When I use the option, it renders as follows: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When I use select, it renders like this: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Below are my codes:


angular.module('myApp').controller('profissoesCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.profissoes = [];
var carregarProfissoes = function (){

My html, using the option:

<datalist ng-controller="profissoesCtrl" id="profissoes"> 
		 <option ng-repeat="p in profissoes" value="{{p}}">

My html using select:

<datalist ng-controller="profissoesCtrl" id="profissoes"> 
	<select class="oculto" ng-model="aluno.profissao" ng-options="p.profissao as p.profissao for p in profissoes" > </select>

From now on, I thank everyone who answers!

  • try to use with option, like this: $;

  • I tried to do this but it didn’t work, it returns Undefined when giving a console.log in $Scope.profissoes trying this way.

  • 1

    It was a silly mistake, in the options tag I should have pasted the value with p.professional, then it worked out, anyway, thank you very much

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