Nodejs multiple url in app.get Express


Viewed 109 times


I have several (practically all) urls, which point to a single page and use the following line to send the file:

app.get('*', function(req, res){ 

But with this,also files that I request from my site and etc, are redirected to home, I would not like to have to create a new line for each requested url, so:

app.get('/urlA', function(req, res){ 

app.get('/urlB', function(req, res){ 

It would be possible to do something like the code below?

app.get('/urlA, /urlB', function(req, res){ 
  • Try app.get('/(urlA|urlB)', function(req, res) { ... }

  • I get Invalid regular Expression when I try to do this

1 answer


Express lets you pass a regular expression as the first parameter:

app.get(/(urlA|urlB)/, (req, res) => { ... });


app.get(/url(A|B)/, (req, res) => { ... });

Another option, a little more comprehensive:

app.get(/url[A-Z]/, (req, res) => { ... });

But you can also do something like this:

function exemplo(req, res) => { ... }
app.get('urlA', exemplo);
app.get('urlB', exemplo);

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