You can use Ajax request in <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;'>


Viewed 252 times


Friends can use a request on <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;'>.

I have this code below working,

if($buscasegura->execute() == '');
    echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; prod_carrinho2.php'>
                  <script type=\"text/javascript\">
                  alert(\"Cliente cadastrado com sucesso!!!\");</script>";
    echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; cad_cliente.php'>
                  <script type=\"text/javascript\">
                  alert(\"Já existe uma conta cadastrada com esse E-mail!!!\");</script>";

and returning to a new page, either with the success of the registration or with the existence of the registered e-mail.

I would like him to return within a certain DIV, and tried to do it as follows below.

echo "<meta class='sucesso' http-equiv='refresh' content='0;'>
                      <script type=\"text/javascript\">
                      alert(\"Cliente cadastrado com sucesso!!!\");</script>";
        echo "<meta class='erro' http-equiv='refresh' content='0;'>
                      <script type=\"text/javascript\">
                      alert(\"Já existe uma conta cadastrada com esse E-mail!!!\");</script>";

<script language="javascript">
////// Direciona o cliente para para suas compras, depois de executar o cadastro com sucesso //////

////// Direciona o cliente para inserir um outro endereço de E-mail //////

Can you identify a <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;'>, to make the Ajax request work, or not?

1 answer


The use of meta refresh is not for that, much less is a clickable element.

There is also a syntax error on this line, where the ; should be ::

if($buscasegura->execute() == '');

This has no chance to work because the meta refresh with content equal to 0 will update the page endlessly.

Do so by assigning the variable $url the page to be requested by Ajax according to the result of if:

if($buscasegura->execute() == ''):
   $url = 'prod_carrinho2.php';
   echo '<script>alert("Cliente cadastrado com sucesso!!!");</script>';
   $url = 'cad_cliente.php';
   echo '<script>alert("Já existe uma conta cadastrada com esse E-mail!!!");</script>';
<?php if(isset($url)): ?>
      url:"<?php echo $url ?>",
<?php endif; ?>
  • Thanks Sam, thanks for the tips, I am layman and I am trying to learn... I will put in practice your guidance and correct the mentioned error... Once again THANK YOU!!!

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