Function in Ionic 3


Viewed 363 times


I’m doing a file function TS page, but would need to capture HTML information to make a conditional push(navCtrl) for each option...

The list on which I need to get the information and the code:

        <ion-select [(ngModel)]="ocupacao">
          <ion-option value="dir" >Diretor(a)</ion-option>
          <ion-option value="prof">Professor(a)</ion-option>
          <ion-option value="res">Responsável</ion-option>
          <ion-option value="sec">Secretária</ion-option>

1 answer


With two-way data Binding you can access the variable in . ts like this.occupation, so let’s say that when calling a Ubmit the onsubmit function below is executed

onSubmit = () =>{
  //acessando à variável ocupacao
  if(this.ocupacao == 'dir')
  • thank you very much !!

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