How do you style select that way?


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imagem modelo da estilização How do you style a select that way? the designer is using the Bulma framework in this project but I did not find models of this select in the documentation, I tried to develop here but it was not cool someone knows how does this customization ?

  • Edit the question and include the code with what you tried.

  • Dude I tried to put a select inside each other of determined a border-Radius but it’s nowhere near that styling there...

  • Guy most likely this is not a <select>. Here’s a question that might interest you. Although in the example of this answer is with Bootstrap I believe that in this framework the idea is the same.

  • Sure I’ll take a better look at the documentation of Bulma, I understood the difficulties of stylization of Select. vlw

  • 1

    Well I ended up doing with inputs anyway, and to create this effect type of fit as if it were a single element, I used border Radius custom for each element, thanks for the help @hugocsl.

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