Restore Postgre . BAT


Viewed 251 times


I’m making a .Bat for Backup and one for Restore of a bank in Postegresql, the .Bat Backup works perfectly, however, Restore gives problem by database owning data.

Would have some way to start the .Bat of Restore excluding all tables and only leaving the BD not to make a mistake?

chdir C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin

ECHO "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin"
SET caminho=C:\

FOR /F "TOKENS=1-4 delims=/ " %%I IN ('DATE /t') DO SET data=%%I-%%J-%%K
FOR /F "TOKENS=1-2* delims=: " %%A IN ('TIME /t') DO SET hora=%%Ah%%Bm

ECHO ***********************************************
ECHO Aguarde, realizando o Restore do Banco de Dados
ECHO ***********************************************

pg_restore -U postgres -d %database% -1 %caminho%%database%_%data%.backup

  • Use the --clean option in pg_dump which will generate the appropriate commands to clear your base before restoring it.

1 answer


Not would be the case to apply a drop before?

  • Update: getting date in layout faster.

Check the information of that reply link

@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion & cd /d "%~dp0" & set "_cmd=Get Day^,Month^,Year^,Hour^,Minute^"
cls & mode con cols=70 lines=8 & color 9F & title <nul & title Restore do  Banco PostegreSQL

rem :|  Cria variavel para data adicionando 0 para dia/mes/hora/minuto menores que 10... 
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims= " %%a in ('wmic Path Win32_LocalTime !_cmd! ^| findstr /r "[0-9]"') do (
     set "_y=%%e" & set "_m=0%%d" &  set "_d=0%%a" & set "_tt=0%%b" & set "_tm=0%%c" 
     set "_dt=!_y: =!_!_m:~-2!_!_d:~-2!" & set "_hora=!_tt:~-2!h!_tm:~-2!m"
    ) && set "_database=database" & set "_usuario=usuario" & set "_pgpassword=1234"

chdir /d "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin" && echo/"%cd%"

echo/ ***********************************************
echo/ aguarde, realizando o restore do banco de dados
echo/ ***********************************************

.\psql -U !_usuario! -c "drop database protodb"
.\psql -c psql pg_restore -u postgres -d !_database! -1 !_caminho!!database!_!_data!_!hora!.backup

timeout /t -1 

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