How to capture multiple fields returned from a Select using Stored Procedure with informed parameters and put inside variables using Sqlserver?


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-- A data set will be returned after reporting 2 parameters, I need to take this data set and put in variables.

@Clientetypoveiculo VARCHAR(5), @cdVeiculo int


if (@ClienteTipoVeiculo='Moto')

    Select  mm.nmMarcaMoto, mom.nmModeloMoto, v.Renavam, v.Placa, v.AnoFabricacao,
            v.AnoModelo, v.Obs

    From Cliente C, TipoVeiculo tv, Veiculo v, MarcaMoto mm, ModeloMoto mom

        Where v.Vei_cdCliente           = c.cdCliente 
                and v.Vei_cdMarca       = mm.cdMarca    
                and v.Vei_cdModelo      = mom.cdModeloMoto              
                and tv.nmTipoVeiculo    = @ClienteTipoVeiculo and v.cdVeiculo=@cdVeiculo

 else if (@ClienteTipoVeiculo='Carro')      

    Select  mc.nmMarcaCarro, moc.nmModeloCarro, v.Renavam, v.Placa,
            v.AnoFabricacao, v.AnoModelo, v.Obs

    From Cliente C, MarcaCarro mc, ModeloCarro moc, TipoVeiculo tv, Veiculo v

        Where v.Vei_cdCliente           = c.cdCliente 
                and v.Vei_cdMarca       = mc.cdMarca    
                and v.Vei_cdModelo      = moc.codigo 
                and tv.nmTipoVeiculo    = @ClienteTipoVeiculo and v.cdVeiculo=@cdVeiculo  

    raiserror ('Valor informado só pode ser Carro ou Moto',14,2)
  • The code you tried is really that posted? As it is a bit far, the selects need to be passed to some component TQuery... Or is it just an example of what you’re trying? Try to improve the example as described here

  • That’s the code right there. When running Procedure on Sqlserver it will ask for 2 parameters that can be: 'Car' or 'bike' and the other parameter will be the code to be searched. 

Ex: exec SPClienteVeiculo 'moto' , 1 

Retorno: tv.nmTipoVeiculo,c.nmCliente ,Vei_cdCliente,Vei_cdMarca ,moc.nmModeloMoto,mca.nmMarcaMoto,Renavam,Placa ,V.Obs ,AnoFabricacao ,AnoModelo
 This return I wanted to have in Dataset to display in Edit s.

  • Ahhh now understood this code is from the SQL Server database, I thought this code was from Delphi =S, is using which component in Delphi? TADOStoredProc? I wonder if you could show me what you’ve tried on Delphi?

  • Tip: it is better to edit your question by adding this information instead of running around in the comments, improve the title, explanation and everything else...

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