Importing an XML and using columns to calculate


Viewed 29 times


I need a help, I’m importing xml from Nfe, and I’m using the QTDA field to do a calculation, only the quantity field in xml is composed this way, 360.0000 and when I import that field is 3600000 because I’m turning to decimal in the code, and I also use this QTDA column to do an Ex calculation. QTDA / QTDA column. EMB. in the case would be 3600000 / 2 = 1.800.000,00 but this wrong this result the correct result should be 180 and the QTDA field should return from XML 360 and not 3600000 as it is returning. How can I fix this?

Follows the XML

  <xProd>CRODAPEARL AF-LQ-(BR) 006416</xProd>


private void btn_xml_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

  string FileName = @ "C:\Xml_Entrada\" + txt_chave.Text + ".xml ";
  List < ClasseItensXml > ListaItens = new List < ClasseItensXml > ();
  XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
  var proditens = doc.GetElementsByTagName("prod");

  foreach(XmlElement nodo in proditens) {
      new ClasseItensXml() {
        CodigoProduto = nodo.GetElementsByTagName("cProd")[0].InnerText.Trim(),
          NomeProduto = nodo.GetElementsByTagName("xProd")[0].InnerText.Trim(),
          QuantidadeComercializada = Convert.ToDecimal(nodo.GetElementsByTagName("qCom")[0].InnerText.Trim())

  dgw_Xml.DataSource = ListaItens;
private void dgw_Xml_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) {
  foreach(DataGridViewRow row in dgw_Xml.Rows) {
    if (e.ColumnIndex == dgw_Xml.Columns["QtdaEmbalagem"].Index) {
      dgw_Xml.CurrentRow.Cells["ConferenciaPB"].Value = ConferirPB();
      dgw_Xml.CurrentRow.Cells["ConferenciaPL"].Value = ConferirPL();
private decimal ConferirPB() {
  decimal pesoBruto = Convert.ToDecimal(dgw_Xml.CurrentRow.Cells["PesoBruto"].Value);
  decimal qtdaEmbalagem = Convert.ToDecimal(dgw_Xml.CurrentRow.Cells["QtdaEmbalagem"].Value);
  return pesoBruto / qtdaEmbalagem;
private decimal ConferirPL() {
  decimal pesoLiquido = Convert.ToDecimal(dgw_Xml.CurrentRow.Cells["QuantidadeComercializada"].Value);
  decimal qtdaEmbalagem = Convert.ToDecimal(dgw_Xml.CurrentRow.Cells["QtdaEmbalagem"].Value);
  return pesoLiquido / qtdaEmbalagem;
class ClasseItensXml {
  public string CodigoProduto { get; set;}      
  public string NomeProduto { get; set;}
  public decimal QuantidadeComercializada { get; set;}
  public decimal PesoBruto { get; set;}
  public decimal ConferenciaPB { get; set;}
  public decimal ConferenciaPL { get; set;}
  public decimal QtdaEmbalagem { get; set;}
  public string LoteFornecedor { get; set;}
  public DateTime DataFabricacao{ get; set;}
  public DateTime DataValidade { get; set;}

Follow the result inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


Setado CultureInfo works properly:

decimal qtdaEmbalagem = Convert.ToDecimal(dgw_Xml.CurrentRow.Cells["QtdaEmbalagem"].Value),

See an example here:

  • Thank you Ricardo gave it right here vlw

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