Is it feasible to change databases in an existing system?


Viewed 780 times


I’m starting a project in ASP.NET MVC 5 with Entity Framework for a customer, where the customer has chosen to use a free database, in this case the Mysql. However, with the growth of the application, I foresee the best use of a database such as the SQL Server.

My suggestion is to use the SQL Server from the beginning, however, my dear client says "Let’s start with Mysql, anything we change later".

When in college, several professors said this was possible, and in projects where we separated the layers and responsibilities was even less painful to accomplish. Therefore, I never did and I have no idea, in an mvc project, how should I proceed with this?

I wanted to know what the rework would be, thinking at the level of CRUD, if I use Controller’s and View’s generated using scaffold, where these directly use my context, initial in Mysql, when I change the application database to SQL Server, what would be the risks and rework?

  • 2

    In fact just by being MVC, if it is really MVC is quiet, because the structure is already prepared for this.

  • I’ve never worked with ASP. Does it have an ORM? In this case the abstraction of the ORM would help a lot, nor would it be tempting to question the MVC.

  • 2

    @Andrey has several. Entity Framework is one of them.

3 answers


I wanted to know what the rework would be, thinking at CRUD level, if I use Controller’s and View’s generated using scaffold, where these directly use my context, initial in Mysql, when I change the application database to SQL Server, what the risks and rework would be?

Responding from the point of view of technology:

None. Except that you would have to just install and reconfigure the data providers.

The Entity Framework was thought to be agnostic. Agnostic means that it does not implement any technological particularity of a specific database. The syntax and the way you work with it are always the same.

The only thing that can generate rework is if you resolve to use SQL along with the traditional logic of the Entity Framework, essentially if there is some element of the syntax that is particular to a particular database provider.

In Mysql you would configure the data provider in your Web.config sort of like this:

  <defaultConnectionFactory type="MySql.Data.Entity.MySqlConnectionFactory, MySql.Data.Entity.EF6" />
    <provider invariantName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" type="MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlProviderServices, MySql.Data.Entity.EF6" />

While in SQL Server, the configuration would be like this:

  <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" />
    <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
  • thanks for the help, and let me see if I got it right, I using the ORM, Entity Framework, and not using SQL next to it, basically I just need to change the data provider of my webconfig?

  • @Ericosouza Correto.

  • Man, thank you.


Therefore, I never did and I have no idea, in an mvc project, how should I proceed with this?

If you haven’t developed an MVC project yet this one introduces the concept and has some references to help you.

...if I use Controller’s and View’s generated using scaffold, where they directly use my context, starting in Mysql...

Using your context directly you will be tied to the technology, because at every point in the code where you have reference to this technology you would need to change. Depending on its implementation it is a very arduous rework, in addition to running the risk of code duplicity and having greater difficulty to test your application.


Using direct access with Nhibernate to recover data on Controller I’d go with references like Nhibernate, Nhibernate.Linq, in addition to specific objects of Nhibernate technology such as Isession, etc..

using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using NHibernate; //Código relacionado a tecnologia de acesso a BD
using NHibernate.Linq; //Código relacionado a tecnologia de acesso a BD
using System.Linq;
using NhibernateMVC.Models;

namespace NhibernateMVC.Controllers
    public class ExemploController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            //Você provavelmente iria duplicar código como esse em outros Controllers
            //gerando possíveis retrabalhos
            using (ISession session = NHibertnateSession.OpenSession())
                var empregados = session.Query<Empregado>().ToList();
                return View(empregados);

One alternative is to use the design pattern Repository, it centralizes its access code to the database (insertion, update, deletion and data recovery), adding a separation layer so that when changing the data access technology, you change only one layer of your application with a very small rework compared to the question of using context directly.

Given the example, in the same way, directly using specific data access technologies in your Controllers, be it Entity Framework, Mysql, X, Y, etc... you would be left with references and codes that generate rework if you change the technology.

In short, instead of creating an MVC project and developing your application, it would be interesting for you to create at least one more project in your solution to centralize your database access code, isolating domain (business-related) objects of access code details.

  • "Using your context directly you will be tied to the technology". I strongly disagree with that. The context is already something agnostic by definition. The only technological tie is connection strings. Switching to repository design is optional.

  • @Ciganomorrisonmendez was worth, for his comment I realized that was not clear the response and updated.

  • @Renan thanks for the reply, at first I will study on the desgin of repository as well. I liked the issue of having a project in the same Solution only for BD access. Thanks also for the reference of the MVC project. You also mentioned the context, and as the example you posted, even if I change database, from mysql to sqlserver or oracle, for example, the ORM (nhibernate or Ef) will continue operating in the same way, correct?

  • @Ericosouza the example of code I entered was to show that it would be bad to maintain your code using data access technologies directly in your controllers. An alternative is to isolate this in another project for example using Repository, so you don’t need to change the code in a lot of place if you change technology. Then you can change the technology in the future and the other layers of your application will continue operating in the same way.


The problem is that you will have rework if you are working with the native language of the database, if you use any framework to work on the layer of the entity in your code, the job you will have is in the configuration only, because all its manipulations in the database will be mapped through its entities, an example is to use Querydsl, all its manipulations are done through its entities.

 public List<Sale> findSalesByPrice() {
    QSale sale =;

    return new JPAQueryFactory(entityManager)

instead of using

select * from sale where price = 20;

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