Change attribute of an object array in the state in the application


Viewed 2,505 times


to try to make an attribute of one of the objects in an array of objects switch between true and false follows code:

Initial state:

constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
        post: [{
            nome: '',
            conteudo: '',
            comment: false
    this.handleClickComment = this.handleClickComment.bind(this)


Method that changes the comment attribute for each object in the array (fixed):

handleClickComment(postagem) {
    postagem.comment = !postagem.comment
    let i = -1
    this.setState({[[i] = postagem]})

This method is called in an onClick event, and takes as parameter the object in question as it was mapped in another component, but whenever the event the comment attribute simply does not change. Would someone tell me what’s wrong?


People managed to solve I will update the code that worked perfect, updated the attribute value without changing the application status directly, always instantiates a new array with the new parameters. Thank you all for your help.

  • problem line: let comment = this.state.comment ? false : true, because $ has an array of information, agree? ai ta error! shouldn’t be let comment =[indice].comment ? false : true??? the third line also assignment does not seem correct.

  • => { item.comment = ! item.comment; })

  • @Lucasbrogni in this case the comment attribute would be changed on all objects in the array, no?

  • @Yagosantos yes, in that case he would always change the value, if he is do he would pass to true and vice versa.

  • 1

    @Lucasbrogni yes I know, but in the case I wanted to change only the value of the event in which occurred onClick...but I already understood the logic vlw

1 answer


I decided to make a minimal example to change a list:

class ListApp extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
      return (
        <div key={this.props.indice}>{this.props.nome} <button type="button" onClick={}>Comment - {this.props.comment ? "Verdadeiro": "Falso"}</button></div>
class App extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
      this.state = {
        post: [{
          nome: 'n1',
          conteudo: '',
          comment: false
          nome: 'n2',
          conteudo: '',
          comment: true
    render() {
      return (<div>{     
,i) => <ListApp key={i} indice={i} comment={m.comment} nome={m.nome} click={this.handleClickComment.bind(this, i, m)} />)
    handleClickComment(index, model) {
        model.comment = !model.comment;
        const { post } = this.state;
        post[index] = model;

<script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>

  • Thanks @Virgilio Novic, but only one this case when defining[index] = model, the application status would not be being changed directly?

  • @Yagosantos would be changed the value is in setState the general state.

  • 1

    what happens is that the state can not be changed directly, should always be generated a new array...but already understood the logic, thanks for the hints, I will implement the changes

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