Turning Chr into a team in R


Viewed 182 times


I would like to turn the variable "Time" (which is in Chr format) into time format. The data is like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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1 answer


There are several packages that handle hours format in R. lubridate is probably the most friendly currently.

horas <- paste0(1:18,':00')

> horas
 [1] "1:00"  "2:00"  "3:00"  "4:00"  "5:00"  "6:00"  "7:00"  "8:00"  "9:00" 
[10] "10:00" "11:00" "12:00" "13:00" "14:00" "15:00" "16:00" "17:00" "18:00"

> class(horas)
[1] "character"

horas.ld <- hm(horas)

> horas.ld
 [1] "1H 0M 0S"  "2H 0M 0S"  "3H 0M 0S"  "4H 0M 0S"  "5H 0M 0S"  "6H 0M 0S" 
 [7] "7H 0M 0S"  "8H 0M 0S"  "9H 0M 0S"  "10H 0M 0S" "11H 0M 0S" "12H 0M 0S"
[13] "13H 0M 0S" "14H 0M 0S" "15H 0M 0S" "16H 0M 0S" "17H 0M 0S" "18H 0M 0S"

> class(horas.ld)
[1] "Period"
[1] "lubridate"

> horas.ld[7] - horas.ld[1]
[1] "6H 0M 0S"

For those who like to use data.table, it has its own classes for date and time:


> as.ITime(horas)
 [1] "01:00:00" "02:00:00" "03:00:00" "04:00:00" "05:00:00" "06:00:00"
 [7] "07:00:00" "08:00:00" "09:00:00" "10:00:00" "11:00:00" "12:00:00"
[13] "13:00:00" "14:00:00" "15:00:00" "16:00:00" "17:00:00" "18:00:00"

> class(as.ITime(horas))
[1] "ITime"
  • @Erick-Kill Example data for your question is easy to generate, but here’s the advice: always post an example of your data in a format that is easily reproducible.

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