Why Class Object is null?


Viewed 50 times


I don’t understand why but the player object is null , I’m not calling it right ?

public class HealthBar : MonoBehaviour {

    Vector3 localScale;
    public Transform HealthTransform;
    public Player PlayerObj;

    void Start () {

        localScale = HealthTransform.localScale;
        PlayerObj = new Player(); 

    void Update () {

            localScale.x = Player.HealthAmountP1;
            if (gameObject.name.Equals("P1Health"))
                HealthTransform.localScale = localScale;
        if (PlayerObj.GetPlayerAxis().Equals("P2Horizontal"))
            localScale.x = Player.HealthAmountP2;

                HealthTransform.localScale = localScale;


  • 1

    If you run Update before Start you will definitely be null.

  • And gameobject, you instance where?

1 answer


The object Player is initialized only in the method Start which means you should call the method Start in your code before any method call Update. A solution to avoid this would be to add a constructor to its class by initializing the variable Player.

public HealthBar ()
    localScale = HealthTransform.localScale;
    PlayerObj = new Player();

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