Match table data on Linkedserver servers


Viewed 69 times


I have 3 Linkedserver servers (the 3 having the same tables with the same fields).
Server 1: First server
Table: Test
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Server 2: Second server
Table: Test
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Server 3: Third Server
Table: Test
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Select to return the "Test" table fields in the "First Server" table":

SELECT id, username, password FROM OPENQUERY(Primeiro_Servidor, 'SELECT id, username, password FROM Teste')

I would like to take table "Test" from server 1 for example, and replicate all of its data in table "Test" from servers 2 and 3 (checking if id exists. if it exists, do an update, if it does not exist, insert). Could someone tell me how to do this ?

  • These tables have relationships

  • Have no relationships.

  • SQL server or Mysql

  • Very important what kind of automatic replication, by running tasks

  • They may not have a relationship, but probably the Id field is Identity with auto-increment... if you’ve done any Insert before in these other bases, you’ll need to turn it off and restart the index.

  • You can run the query using a select normal prefixing with the name on the link: select * from nome_link_server1.nome_banco.dbo.teste and so it’s easy to do a Join and an update

  • If you want to match all tables, to avoid type validation exists, use the command merge, that works with Linked Servers

  • Sqlserver... I put these 3 servers as an example, but it may occur that more servers enter. For this, I have a table that keeps the name of all Linked Servers servers

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2 answers


A typical replication solution involves using two commands in the same transaction, one to update existing lines in the remote table and one to add the missing lines in the remote table:

-- código #1

-- atualiza informações existentes no servidor remoto (R)
  set username= L.username,
      password= L.password 
  from Segundo_Servidor.banco.esquema.Teste as R
       inner join Teste as L on =
  where L.username <> R.username
        or L.password <> R.password;

-- acrescenta informações inexistentes no servidor remoto (R)
INSERT into Segundo_Servidor.banco.esquema.Teste (id, username, password)
  SELECT, L.username, L.password
    from Teste as L
    where not exists (SELECT * 
                        from Segundo_Servidor.banco.esquema.Teste as R
                        where =;


The above code is executed on the local server (L), that is, the first server. That is, it pushes the data for the remote server (R).

Another solution is also possible, with replication code running on each remote server, pulling the data:

-- código #2

-- atualiza informações existentes no servidor local
  set username= PS.username,
      password= PS.password 
  from Primeiro_Servidor.banco.esquema.Teste as PS
       inner join Teste as L on =
  where L.username <> PS.username
        or L.password <> PS.password;

-- acrescenta informações inexistentes no servidor local
INSERT into Teste (id, username, password)
  SELECT, PS.username, PS.password
    from Primeiro_Servidor.banco.esquema.Teste as PS
    where not exists (SELECT * 
                        from Teste s L
                        where =;


The advantage of the #2 code is that it can be turned into a procedure stored on the main server and run remotely with EXECUTE AT from the main server. That is, a single version of the code, maintained on the main server but run on each remote server from the main server:

-- código #3
EXECUTE (...) AT Segundo_Servidor;
EXECUTE (...) AT Terceiro_Servidor;

Meanwhile, be pushing or pulling the data, this type of replication generates excessive traffic on the network, because to know if the line exists or not on the other server, in practice the contents of the table (remote or local, depending on whether pushing or pulling) traffic through the network.

There are ways to optimize the above codes. But the suggestion is to evaluate the implementation of some kind of automatic replication provided by SQL Server.

PS: I have not tested the solutions proposed above; I hope they contain no error.


You can make an insert straight from a select of course but pq do this if vc have a free tool to make data comparison from MS SQL Server?

Any version of Visual Studio has a tool for data comparison and schema that can connect to two bases and compare the differences.

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Select two databases that can be on two different servers...

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You choose the tables that will be compared, note that to be able to compare record-to-record the table needs to have a PK or at least a single key (well need to know anyway which record to compare with which).

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui You can even apply the differences by matching the data or generate a script that will do this.

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Besides, there’s a lot documentation on the web of how to use this feature. Even if you don’t have the Visual Studio (that any developer working with . Net will have) installed, the download of this version I showed you is free.

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