Include HTML in HTML without affecting SEO


Viewed 187 times


I’ve seen a lot of ways to include a file HTML within another HTML, so much for Javascript as by the tag <object> of HTML5.

These include types negatively affect page SEO?

Content included in these forms are normally indexed by search engines?

1 answer


Most likely Google Bot does not take this into consideration and understands the whole page as a single document.

It will prompt the page and get the HTML code, PHP, ASP, etc that is generated back, so it doesn’t matter if it is a static page or a generated page (like most Wordpress or Joomla websites for example that are basically a lot of includes. It will never see the server code, only the rendered result that the request returned to the browser.

Accessing a page is not possible to say for sure if it is a static or "dynamic" page (dynamically generated) and delivered to the browser. Many generated pages have a different file extension than static pages (e.g., .aspx or .php instead of .html), but the generated pages can also be printed with the same static page file extension.

As I said earlier, I particularly don’t believe that Google Bot will not index the SEO optimizations of dynamically indexed files to other pages. You can even take an AP test to prove it, but if he did not interpret it 90% of Wordpress sites would not have their content ranked.

Article about the subject that you may be interested in. Several tests have been done and the result is as follows::

The following can be concluded.

  • Google tracks and indexes all content that was injected by javascript.
  • Google even shows SERP results based on injected content asynchronously.
  • Google can handle httpRequest content ().
  • However, JSON-LD as such does not necessarily lead to SERP results (as opposed to officially supported SERP entities that are not only indexed, but also used to decorate the SERP).
  • The injected JSON-LD is recognized by the structured data testing tool, including the injection of the Tag Manager. This means that once Google decides to support entities, indexing will not be a problem.
  • Dynamically updated meta elements are tracked and indexed as well.

Then, very soon, the days of pre-rendering Phantomjs snapshots and providing shadow content to the spiders will end. It makes me happy.

OBS 1: Keep in mind that content that is rendered on the client-side front-end may not be indexed by Google, so if you plot something on the client screen only on the user-side without any kind of request on the server it may be that Google does not index that content.

OBS 2: Google has a tool that can help you track the structured data you are indexing on your page and if they are being identified, you can see here

Tip: Pay attention to Urls. In this article there are some tips on how to treat SEO in dynamic pages.

About the iframes

Google Supports frames and iframes to the extent that it can. Frames can cause problems for search Engines because they don’t correspond to the conceptual model of the web. In this model, one page displays only one URL. Pages that use frames or iframes display several Urls (one for each frame) Within a single page. Google tries to Associate Framed content with the page containing the frames, but we don’t Guarantee that we will.

Translating: Google supports frames and iframes to the extent possible. Frames can cause problems for search engines because they don’t correspond to the conceptual model of the Web. In this template, a page displays only one URL. Pages that use frames or iframes display multiple Urls (one for each frame) on a single page. Google tries to associate the indexed content with the page containing the frames, but we can’t guarantee that we will.


Article with SEO tests done using iframes

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