Plugin javascript or jquery stars


Viewed 85 times



I don’t know if you can ask this question here, if not! Please disregard/delete.

Does anyone know any plugin that I can make this screen(the rating):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Where this classification I’m trying to do, I found this plugin and I’m reading his documentation to see if I can, if anyone knows of any that can do this job and can point me out.

This rating will be so there will be 120 light gray stars when passed the mouse or the finger (in case of tablets and mobile phones), or where has the arrow up and down increases and decreases the amount if starlets, They’re lighting and inserting in the bank and retooling simultaneously (I’m going to try doing this with ajax). It would be more or less a voting system.

  • JB, questions from recommending are a subject that usually does not match the format of Stack Overflow’s objective questions and answers. There’s been some discussion about it. Therefore, the community closed the question because it thinks it does not fit the scope of the site. However, feel free to ask new questions, especially if they are specific about programming. I suggest you read on [Ask]. Hug!

  • ok. Thank you and sorry.

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