How to define a fixed value attribute in ASP.Net MVC?


Viewed 324 times


I have a user class that has the attribute permissão, that should always be 1. Where and how would I fix this value? In the folder models, controller or in itself view criminal record?

2 answers


In the Model, more specifically in the constructor:

public class Usuario
    public int Permissao { get; set; }

    public Usuario() {
        Permissao = 1;

To prevent value modification (read-only property), you can do as follows:

public class Usuario
    public int Permissao { get { return 1; } }

To prevent the value from being mapped into the Entity Framework (if using), use [NotMapped]:

public class Usuario
    public int Permissao { get { return 1; } }
  • Thank you! I will test it when I get home. I had tried it in the view, but it didn’t work. Can I then tell which validation classes and fixed attributes should be done in the models folder? e.g. A class to validate Cpf

  • Yes, any and all validation information needs to be on Model. Validations must be made or making the class implement IValidatableObject or using validation attributes.


I would wear:

public class Usuario
 public const int Permissao = 1;

if it is always just a number with no rules, no validations with nothing, then it makes sense to be a constant and ready :)

  • In the context of MVC, this is outside the standard, as much as it works.

  • yes you’re right, but still I’d prefer it that way, since in an elegant way I wouldn’t put either of the two forms in my domain class.

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