Bootstrap menu does not work


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I’m a beginner and I’m learning Bootstrap, but after trying everything, I can’t get the menu to work. - I have tried another PC and browser - I already downloaded the Bootstrap.css and . JS documentation - Direct link to servers and nothing.

Can anyone tell me what’s wrong? I have to install something?

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  • I’ll comment here because you already deleted the code there. But your problem is in my answer, actually the problem is not in the Navbar code but in the indexed files that vs used those of Version 4, but with the HTML code of Bootstrap Version 3. Any doubt comment on the answer I help you.

1 answer


Your answer is simpler than it sounds! You are trying to use the Navbar "component" of Bootstrap 3, but is using CSS and JS codes from Bootstrap 4

Notice that inside your <head> vc calls the CSS of version 4 just as at the end of the document vc references the Jss of version 4 of Bootstrap

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""...>
<script src=">

This is the correct link to the Official documentation that has Navbar version 4 if you want to use it

The HTML code you are using is version 3. Note that when the code is used in Bootstrap 3 it works 100%

I have not changed anything in its code just call the font files of the correct version. That for this code is version 3

<!DOCTYPE html>
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  • Thanks, it worked perfectly.

  • @Matheusgonçalves beware of the links that appear in google, always check if this consulting the correct version you want to use, good luck there

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