How to control events of dynamically inserted HTML elements later


Viewed 22 times


I generated a professional HTML card with Javascript. The list is populated after clicking on the category:

var professionalsCards = '';
$.each(professionalsData, function(i, item)
    professionalsCards += '<div class="col-md-3 professional_list_card">';
    professionalsCards += '<a href="#" onclick="showProfessionalDetails()">';
    professionalsCards += '<div class = "panel panel-default professional_list_panel">';
    professionalsCards += '<img src="'+websiteTPL+'images/user-without-avatar-400x400.jpg" height="75px" width="75px" alt="..." class="img-circle center-block" />';
    professionalsCards += '<h4 class="text-center">'+item.fullname+'</h4>';
    professionalsCards += '<input type="hidden" id="professional_uuid" name="professional_uuid" value="teste" />';
    professionalsCards += '</div></a></div>';


When I populate directly in HTML works normal:

    var professional_uuid = jQuery(this).find("input:hidden");

But when I insert the HTML elements dynamically the click function does not work. So I tried the onclick function, it doesn’t work either:

function showProfessionalDetails()
    var professional_uuid = jQuery(this).find("input:hidden");

*I also tried to put on as suggested in the comment, also does not work:

$("#professionals_list").on("click", "#professional_list_card").click(function(event)
        //var professional_uuid = jQuery(this).find("input:hidden");

I also tried to:

$(document).on("click", "#professional_list_card", function()
        //var professional_uuid = jQuery(this).find("input:hidden");

In 2 cases above the error: Hierarchyrequesterror

How can I control the dynamically inserted HTML with Javascript? The Event click and other events?




Instead of:


And Resolved!


Thank you!

  • According to the link marked, use the method .on: $(document).on("click", seletor, function(){...

  • I did it, it doesn’t work either!

  • Hierarchyrequesterror

  • 1

    That one professional_list_card is a class. You should use a dot . before and not #, in this way: $(document).on("click", ".professional_list_card", function(){...

  • sorry, it’s just that I cheated from the previous code.. but it already has id with it and gives the hierarchy error too! solved using $('div#professionals_list'). append(professionalsCards); instead of $("div#professionals_list"). html(professionalsCards); GRATEFUL!

  • I get it. So the problem was with append also and not with events only.

  • By the way yes. Thanks for the tips!

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