Recover directory where apk was created by Gulp with Cordova-lib plugin


Viewed 25 times


Good night,

I’m having a problem to recover the directory where the apk file was generated. I use the Cordova-lib plugin in Gulp to build an Ionic application.

The "real" problem is that I can’t recover the default location, nor even inform a location to generate that apk. If the path was fixed, I could move the file to a desired location, but I did the test on several computers and the generation directory differs between them.

An example of the gulpfile:

var gulp    = require("gulp"),
    cordova = require("cordova-lib").cordova;

gulp.task("build", function (callback) {{
        "platforms": ["android"],
        "options": {
            argv: []
    }, callback);

Thank you if someone knows a way to recover/set this output directory or even know some other plugin to build an Ionic application.

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