WHERE failure when associating a query column in a view


Viewed 67 times


I am passing some parameters to a view where I need to receive the return of this query. When setting the filters in the Where of my query, the return of the query informs the following error:

Invalid competition column name.

I know it’s my coding failure, but I declare in my Where the columns for consultation

      public RelatorioDTO relatorio(DateTime compInicial)
        // vw_relatorio: View 

        string query = "select cpfCnpj from vw_relatorio where competencia <= @compInicial";

        string myConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString();

        SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString);

        SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand(query, connection);

        SqlParameter parameter = dbCommand.CreateParameter();
        parameter.ParameterName = "@compInicial";
        parameter.Value = compInicial;
        parameter.DbType = DbType.DateTime;

        // retornar a consulta
    var retornoLista = new List<RelatorioDTO>();

        if (((SqlDataReader)(myReader)).HasRows)
            while (myReader.Read())
                retornoLista .Add(FiltroRelatorio(myReader));
            return null;

        return retornoLista;

Returning item by item:

private RelatorioDTO FiltroRelatorio(IDataReader myReader)
        var result = new RelatorioDTO ();
        result.CpfCnpj = myReader["CpfCnpj"].ToString().ToUpper();

        return result;
  • Consider using dbCommand.Parameters.Addwithvalue(Parameter) or simply. dbCommand.Addwithvalue("@compInicial", compInitial ? (Object)Dbnull.Value);

  • @Start will always have a value defined when performing the query.

  • that column exists in the view? there is no typo in it? include the view query code in the question

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