Doubt to create Tableadapter with SQL command not supported


Viewed 27 times


I am creating a report in Reportviewer but the SQL command I need to use for Query is not supported by the Tableadapter PIVOT Command.

Command Used

SELECT Descricao
     , Codigo
     , [012017] AS JANEIRO
     , [022017] AS FEVEREIRO
     , [032017] AS MARÇO
     , [042017] AS ABRIL
     , [052017] AS MAIO
     , [062017] AS JUNHO
     , [072017] AS JULHO
     , [082017] AS AGOSTO
     , [092017] AS SETEMBRO
     , [102017] AS OUTUBRO
     , [112017] AS NOVEMBRO
     , [122017] AS DEZEMBRO
FROM (SELECT C.Descricao, C.Codigo, C.Competencia, SUM(Valor) as Total
FROM Salario AS C WHERE SUBSTRING(C.Competencia,3,4) = '2017' 
AND Folha IN (SELECT idFolha FROM Folha WHERE mat = '****' and Servidor 
IN (SELECT idServidor FROM Servidor WHERE cpf = '*******'))
GROUP BY C.VDDescricao,C.CodigoVD, C.VD, C.Competencia) SQ
PIVOT (SUM(Total) FOR Competencia IN ([012017],[022017],[032017],[042017],[052017],[062017],[072017],[082017],[092017],[102017],[112017],[122017])) AS PT
 ORDER BY Codigo

I created a list with the Return of this Query, but Reportviewer does not seem to support the passage from object list to web projects.

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