How to swap inline indentation for Vscode dot


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I wonder if to use dot instead of indentation online is necessary some extension? In case I think it would be like seeing each space a point.


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  • 1

    Do you want in fact points? Or do you want to see each space as a point?

  • Are you experiencing any particular difficulty? It’s like any editor.

1 answer


The lines you activate going on File > Preferences > Settings and puts

"editor.renderIndentGuides": false

"editor.renderWhitespace": "all"
  • In case I would like to disable the lines and activate this indentation with points. Thank you.

  • 1

    @Cleytonvinicius then just do the opposite, in the first option put "false" and in the second put "all" this will hide the lines guide and only show the dots as you want. At I edited the answer to stay that way

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