I am trying to connect a program to the database hosted on SQL Server, but am having problems..
When the program runs, the login screen is the first to appear, and from it I need to open the second screen with options to add payments and etc in the database..
My database has 3 "roles" where each one has permissions to change payment, change contract, etc.. They are: Owner, Manager and Associate, and 3 users with the proper passwords to which I have already given the proper "roles".. They are: mrlee(Owner), mngr(Manager) and asso(Associate).
How can I connect to the database through these users I created in SQL Server and "keep" that connection when I open the other program window which is where I will make the changes? I need to keep the connection so that each user only does what is allowed in their "role".
It’s my first time trying to connect a program to a database and I’m having a hard time..
The Database name is ML074539
The login window looks like this:
public MainWindow()
private void loginBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (usernameBox.Text == "" || passwordBox.Password == "")
MessageBox.Show("Please, check if you've entered your username and password.");
} else
using (SqlConnection dataConnection = new SqlConnection())
string userName = usernameBox.Text;
string password = passwordBox.Password;
SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.DataSource = ".\\MSSQLSERVER";
builder.InitialCatalog = "ML074539";
builder.UserID = userName;
builder.Password = password;
dataConnection.ConnectionString = builder.ConnectionString;
MultiLeaseWindow mw = new MultiLeaseWindow();
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Unexpected error:" + ex.Message);
Multileasewindow is where is the form to add payment and etc..
When I press the "Login" button, regardless of the User Name and Password I use (as long as it doesn’t leave blank), I get an error saying that the server was not found or not accessible and etc..
I’ve done a lot of research, but I still haven’t found an answer I can make work.
is the name of the database in SQL Server andDataSource
should be"ML074539\\MSSQLSERVER"
, if your instance of SQL Server is the default (MSSQLSERVER). If it is Express instance, the default name of the instance is SQLEXPRESS.– Marcelo Shiniti Uchimura
If I understand correctly, the name of the database in SQL is ML074539. That’s where the tables are and etc. I use the name of the database in Datasource as well? Before the SQL instance? (The instance is the default yes.. MSSQLSERVER, from what I saw on Windows services)
– Rafael399
And what is the name of the computer? You have to replace the
by the name of the computer-server SQL Server, otherwise the app will try to connect to the own computer where the app runs.– Marcelo Shiniti Uchimura
No, use
in theInitialCatalog
, then– Marcelo Shiniti Uchimura
The app is running on the same computer as the database (and I need this to happen because I will deliver this project in the course, and there will already be another computer..). Even so, need to change? Computer name is DESKTOP-066MJ19
– Rafael399
Is Windows Firewall turned on? If you are, try turning it off.
– Marcelo Shiniti Uchimura
I hung up and continued with the same mistake.. Just a question, if I can connect to the database, this connection will be maintained when the login window is closed and Multileasewindow is opened?
– Rafael399
Let’s go continue this discussion in chat.
– Marcelo Shiniti Uchimura
And then, managed to progress a little after the chat?
– Marcelo Shiniti Uchimura
I could think of another way to do it that I thought was easier, hahaha! I made the table "Users" in the database and used it to check the credentials and assign an access level to the user who logged in.. With this I created a User in the app with these properties and passed it to the Multilease screen, then I can check what his "access" to each task that will be executed to see if he has the level of access necessary to perform this task. Thanks for the help!!!
– Rafael399
Good guy, go deep, whatever thing just give a shout. Abs!
– Marcelo Shiniti Uchimura