I’m trying to create a code for registration by input
, as an exercise.
dic = {}
def cadastrar():
nome = input('Nome: ')
variavel1 = input('variavel 1,: ')
variavel2 = input('Variavel 2: ')
dic.update({'nome': 'variavel1', 'variavel2'})
while True:
opcao = exibirMenu()
if opcao == ('cadastrar'):
this syntax error code, I change the code to:
dic.update('nome', 'varriavel1', 'variavel2')
and returns the error
Typeerror: update expected at Most 1 Arguments, got 2
how do I save the data together, nome = variavel1, variavel2
. so that you can access the name and return the variables attached to the name?
It worked out, thanks, buddy. Just one more question: would you be able to change the format of the data when returned by print? it returns thus: {'name': ('variable1', 'variable2', 'Nome2': ('variable3', 'variable 4')}) wanted to give an improved aesthetic, to look like this: Name: variable1, variable2. Name2: variable3, variable4. , or it would be better to create a database in mysql?
– bryan
@You can create a function to show the data the way you want. When you use print in a dictionary, it comes out in a standardized way so you can know what kind of structure is inside it (for example, a list uses brackets and a tuple uses brackets). A database in mysql is a very different use case than a dictionary, and will depend on its need. In this case, it does not seem to be necessary.
– Pedro von Hertwig Batista
Okay, Peter. I get it. With your help I managed to get past that part that was very difficult, I’m trying to get past a difficulty now in while and Else functions. in this my last message I think I mixed a little my doubts kkk. whether it was possible to edit the way the data was shown and whether it was better to save the input data in a database to be accessed and edited later. ex: users register item with color and weight variables and other users can access a list with items from all users. , if you can, take a look at the code https://pastebin.com/kWmHBT9C
– bryan