insert an item into a firebase list


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I’m developing a design with angular 4 and firebase. My problem is this. I have a travel list I want to create a trip (viagem1 and insert a schedule in it. until then I made a firebasedb.list('Viagens/cronograma') now wanted to know how to create another trip with another schedule without it falling back on the same list ex: viagens2/cronograma2. hold have any tips on how to do this? Thank you.

  • in the same way that you included the first would not be able to do the second?

  • the problem is that I would have to create a new component for each trip I create and I don’t think this is the best way because it would limit the amount of trips, I thought I’d create a select with the trip id and choose which one the schedule goes to. thus could create multiple trips and decide on which one to schedule. but also don’t know how to call a $key to insert another list in it

  • If you can enter code and also indicate if you are using Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore (by adding the respective tag)

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