Concatenate elements


Viewed 992 times


I’m having trouble concatenating the elements below.

I have the variable valorID which is used as id, in div, and I’m trying to insert it into id and valorPosicao for the attribute left, of inline css.

However, I am unable to enter the information.

var valorID='meuID';
var valorPosicao=20;
$("body").prepend('<div id='+valorID+'style=position:absolute;left:'+valorPosicao+'px;'+'></div>');
  • There’s an extra '+' there at the end

3 answers


Every attribute value of div, must come between "". In the case of using js must be:



  • Follows below your code refactored:

var valorID='meuID';
var valorPosicao=20;
$("body").prepend('<div id="'+valorID+'style=position:absolute;left:'+valorPosicao+'px;'+'">teste</div>');
<script src=""></script>

  • 2

    The browser adds the automatic quotes. But I go with vc, I like to do it right. : D

  • kkkkkkkkkkkkk


You do not need to concatenate into the string, you can use jQuery’s element handling methods:

var valorID = 'meuID';    
var valorPosicao = 20;

var minhaDiv = $('<div>'); //Criando a Div 
minhaDiv.attr('id', valorID); //Adicionando Id
minhaDiv.css('position', 'absolute') //Adicionando Css
    .css('left', valorPosicao);

$("body").prepend(minhaDiv); //Prepend na variavel


Use jQuery itself. So just:

$('<div/>', {id: valorID}).css({'position': 'absolute', 'left': valorPosicao + 'px'}).prependTo('body');

Follow example to run. In the console appears the div inserted in the DOM.

var valorID='meuID';
var valorPosicao=20;

var div = $('<div/>', {id: valorID}).css(
'position': 'absolute', 
'left': valorPosicao + 'px'

<script src=""></script>

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