In my application I use as a javascript framework the Angularjs, and to select the files I use the following button:
<md-button class="md-accent md-raised button-arquivo-margin"
<div layout="row"
layout-align="center start"
<input class="input-selecao"
im-file-change="vm.metodos.selecionarArquivos($event, arquivos)"
multiple />
<i class="icon-file s30"></i>
<span class="title">Arquivo(s)</span>
where im-file-change="vm.metodos.selecionarArquivos($event, arquivos)"
is only a directive that gets the input files from Event and binds with my model.
After selecting the same files are displayed in a table as shown below:
However I am having a problem of poor usability of the system, in which people are moving or deleting the files before making the upload to API, so when trying to send the files causes a problem ... And did the checks the requisition does not get to be completed so only a Undefined of the requisition ...
I wonder if it is possible to somehow consist if files exist in the folder. So before sending I would check if the files exist in the folder and if they do not exist I could inform the user that the files were moved or deleted from the current folder.