Insert filesystem image name in mysql


Viewed 47 times


I use Debian, and I need to capture the image names of a folder and insert the names (as string) into a mysql table.


This problem has arisen now and I have no idea how to solve.

I’m not looking for a script, just a light.

2 answers


One way would be to use a script bash assembling the commands of INSERT and passes as input for the customer mysql, as an example:

ls ~/folder_img \
| xargs -I{} echo "INSERT INTO imagens (arquivo) VALUES ('{}');" \
| mysql -u [usuario] -p [senha] 

If such a load is recurring, such as a scheduled process via crontab, it is interesting to pass the password by parameter or use another form of automatic authentication (reading a protected file, maybe), so that the mysql run without opening prompt password.

  • Thanks for your attention I’ll test...


Assuming your image files are contained in a single directory:

$ ls -al ./folder_img/*.png 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lacobus lacobus  349237 Jul  4 18:03 ./folder_img/alpha.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lacobus lacobus  312568 Jul  4 18:03 ./folder_img/beta.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lacobus lacobus  159315 Jul  4 18:03 ./folder_img/delta.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lacobus lacobus 2453952 Jul  4 18:03 ./folder_img/episilon.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lacobus lacobus  482526 Jul  4 18:03 ./folder_img/gamma.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lacobus lacobus  848590 Jul  4 18:03 ./folder_img/

You can use the utility find to generate an SQL script from the image files contained in that directory, in a nonrecursive way. The following example saves an SQL script to the file script.sql, look at you:

$ find ./folder_img -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.png" -type f -exec \
echo "INSERT INTO tb_imagem (nome_arquivo) VALUES ('{}');" \; > script.sql

Exit (script.sql):

INSERT INTO tb_imagem (nome_arquivo) VALUES ('./folder_img/delta.png');
INSERT INTO tb_imagem (nome_arquivo) VALUES ('./folder_img/alpha.png');
INSERT INTO tb_imagem (nome_arquivo) VALUES ('./folder_img/gamma.png');
INSERT INTO tb_imagem (nome_arquivo) VALUES ('./folder_img/beta.png');
INSERT INTO tb_imagem (nome_arquivo) VALUES ('./folder_img/episilon.png');
INSERT INTO tb_imagem (nome_arquivo) VALUES ('./folder_img/omega.png');

To run the generated script in your database:

$ mysql -h [servidor] -u [usuario] -p [senha] -D [database] < script.sql 
  • thanks for the attention, but and the database?

  • The generated script is in format ANSI SQL and can be run in virtually any database. Since you did not specify the data structure of the table and the parameters of connection with your database, it is difficult to help more.

  • is mysql boot an example just for me to see the syntax, pls, I say in the access to the bd and the database..

  • @Magichat: Done!

  • nice I’ll test vlw man

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