Command "git status" does not show changed files inside folders


Viewed 320 times


The structure of my briefcase is this:
inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If I change (without editing the code) any file inside any of these folders(Calculator, Color, etc), when I run git status it does not list any modified file, why this occurs ?
For example if I rotate cd Calculadora/android && gradlew clean it will modify some project files and if I then run git status it does not list any modified file, but if you change any line of code it shows the modified file.

  • 4

    The files modified by gradlew clean are not ignored?

  • 1

    How’s the contents of the file .gitignore? Both the project and the folder where the change supposedly does not appear?

  • That’s right, the automatically generated . gitignore by React-Native init was ignoring these files,

  • @LINQ, how did you find the AP problem, what do you think of providing an answer to the question? :)

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