I can’t go to the Page


Viewed 27 times


Hello, here I am with one more question. I created a project on Ionic 3, and I have this profile menu menu, but when I click on each menu item , ( Cultural agenda, by region, blog..) does not open the page, is giving error. In app.html you have : `

    <button menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let p of pages" (click)="openPage(p)" [class.active]="checkActivePage(p)">
        <ion-icon name="{{p.icon}}" item-left></ion-icon>
        <font color="#088A85"><h6><b> {{p.title}}  </b></h6> </font>




and in app.component.ts ` pages: Array<{title: string, icon:string, Component: any}>; activePage: any;

constructor(public Platform: Platform, public statusBar: Statusbar, public splashScreen: Splashscreen) { this initializeApp();

this.pages = [
  { title: 'Agenda Cultural', icon:'any', component: AgendaculturalPage },
  { title: 'Por região', icon:'any', component: PorregiaoPage },
  { title: 'Blog Vida Carioca', icon:'any', component: BlogvidacariocaPage },
  { title: 'Termos de uso', icon:'any', component: TermosdeusoPage },
  { title: 'Sobre o Vida Carioca', icon:'any', component: SobreovidacariocaPage },
  { title: 'Ajuda', icon:'any', component: AjudaPage },
  { title: 'Configurações', icon:'any', component: ConfiguracoesPage },
  { title: 'Meu Perfil', icon:'any', component: MeuperfilPage },
  { title: 'English Version', icon:'any', component: EnglishversionPage },
  { title: 'Sair', icon:'any', component: SairPage },
  { title: '', icon:'logo-facebook', component: FacebookPage },
  { title: '', icon:'logo-instagram', component: InstagramPage },


this.activePage = this.pages[0];


I believe it is by adding the page next to the other components in Component.ts, but I don’t really know how to do that and I don’t know if that’s it. If anyone knows anything and can help me, thank you! :)

1 answer


I managed to fix it, it was a small mistake, missing "##' "..

{ title: 'Agenda Cultural', icon:'any', Component: 'Agendaculturalpage' }, { title: 'By region', icon:'any', Component: 'Porregiaopage' },

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