What is the maximum and minimum value for z-index?


Viewed 2,025 times


I was arguing with some friends about putting 99999 in the z-index to ensure that the element has the highest priority of overlapping over another element.

But when I thought about it, I got a little curious:

  • What is the maximum value for z-index?
  • What is the minimum value for z-index, as it supports negative values?

2 answers


Information taken from the Internet:

│ Browser              │ Max z─index value │ When exceeded, value changes to: │
│ Firefox 0 - 2        │ 2147483647        │ element disappears               │
│ Firefox 3            │ 2147483647        │ 0                                │
│ Firefox 4+           │ 2147483647        │ 2147483647                       │
│ Safari 0 - 3         │ 16777271          │ 16777271                         │
│ Safari 4+            │ 2147483647        │ 2147483647                       │
│ Internet Explorer 6+ │ 2147483647        │ 2147483647                       │
│ Chrome 29+           │ 2147483647        │ 2147483647                       │
│ Opera 9+             │ 2147483647        │ 2147483647                       │

Read more here.

  • 7

    Information is up to date for current versions of browsers?


If you browse the latest version of the specification and for na property list and arrive at the z-index property, there has the last definition of the same

  • Name: z-index
  • Value: auto | < integer >
  • Initial: auto
  • Applies to: positioned Elements
  • Inherited: in the
  • Percentages: N/A
  • Computed value: the keyword auto or an integer
  • Canonical order: per Grammar
  • Animatable: < integer >
  • Animation type: by computed value

The value is the type integer, which is to say 2³² (-2147483648 to +2147483647).

Now if browsers will follow this value to the letter, it would be another task to be discovered.

In this other answer at stackouverflow in English, has more elaborate answers.

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