How to show congruent sign ( ) in cmd


Viewed 154 times


I was trying to make a "design" with ascii in cmd but this character set comes out: "Ôëí", I know q is because of the character delimitation that cmd can show and etc., but can help me?

  • I believe that not all Unicode characters will be supported in certain versions of Windows, even if using the command chcp 65001, may work on Win10, but not on Win8

  • OK, thank you William

  • 2

    Depends on the code page. Some of the DOS pages have the symbol "identical to", which is the . In the 437 is the 0xF0, but in the 850, normally used in Brazil, the symbol is not available.

1 answer


1) Based on the comment from @Bacchus

2) Works in the Windows 10 & Windows 8

3) Does not work on Windows 7

For other characters see here!!, then add "0x" + code Hex character, as in echo(0xF0: 0x + HEX

@echo off & chcp 437 2>nul >nul 
for /f "delims= " %%c in ('forFiles /p "." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo(0xF0"
') do set "_con=%%c" & cmd /v /r echo/ && echo/ Como mostrar sinal de congruente %_con%

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thank you very much!

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