Remove JQUERY tags


Viewed 518 times


I need to remove HTML tags from a variable, or else not interpret the HTML of that variable. The problem is that the variable has its value coming from an input, so:

var msg = $('input').val();

Since there is no way to get the . text() input, I don’t know how to remove or at least not interpret the HTML tags there! Some help ?

3 answers


If you want to keep tags without them being interpreted, you can replace the < and the > by its HTML entity &lt; and &gt; respectively. The result the browser will interpret as a common text:

var msg = $('input').val();
msg = msg.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
<script src=""></script>
<input value="<b>abc</b>">

Removing tags with .replace and regular expression

var msg = $('input').val();
msg = msg.replace(/<.+?>/g, '');
<script src=""></script>
<input value="<i class='classe'>abc1</i> <b>def2</b>">

The expression <.+?> captures all that is <nome da tag, atributos, fechamento etc.> and the .replace remove from the string.


When we place a string in html format inside a jquery $() selector, jquery turns that string into an object that can be manipulated by jquery itself, and then you can extract the text.

var msg = $('input').val(); // output -> <div>Ola</div>
var textoExtraido = $(msg).text() == "" ? msg : $(msg).text(); // output -> Ola


  • Thanks. I didn’t know that one.

  • But like, it’s not required to have HTML in this val(), so it’ll be a mistake?

  • 1

    I made an adjustment in the code, if there is no html it takes the normal content. No error no


As you are using jQuery, you can treat the field like this:

var msg = $('input').val();

//retira as tags

//faz encode das tags

Following example:

function f() {

var msg = $('input').val();

var opcao1 = $('<p/>').html(msg).text();

var opcao2 = $('<p/>').text(msg).html();




$('input').keyup(function() { f(); });
<script src=""></script>

<input placeholder="Digite o texto" type="text" /><br />
<p>Opção 1 (removendo tags)</p>
<input name="opcao1" type="text" />
<p>Opção 2 (encode tags)</p>
<input name="opcao2" type="text" />

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