Use tuple with parentheses in Django query


Viewed 31 times


I made a cursor to get the menus Parent of my application, then I want to iterate each menu Parent and get the menus associated with it. However, when passing the Parent parameter, the second course does not work.

from django.db import connection
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("select parent from myapp_django_menu group by parent")
        for p in parents:
            cursor.execute("select menu from myapp_django_menu where parent=%s group by menu",[p])

the parameter p, is an item of a tuple in the format [('p1',), ('p2',)] in this way, I understand that the problem should be the quotation marks, parentheses and commas. How to make this p be accepted as a parameter?

1 answer


I already figured out my mistake, it’s a tuple tuple, so in the for I’m taking the first tuple and I need to pass a tuple hint from the tuple from the for, it’s something like this:


 cursor.execute("select menu from myapp_django_menu where parent=%s group by menu",[p[0]])


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