UML - Use Case


Viewed 721 times


Hello, I am as a doubt about the elaboration of a use case, and I would like to know if I can apply Generalization/ Specification in cases of uses or is only in the actors?

Example 1 (No Generalization/Specification) inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In this case of use, the Actor employee may make the reservation of Auditorium, Coffee and Events, and they all need to check availability, Register and send email. My question is, can I use the generalization/specification so that these three use cases (Book Audit, Schedule Coffee and Schedule Event) inherit the includes (Check Availability, Register Request and Send Email)? So decrease the number of include lines.

Example 2 (Inheriting Use Case): inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


  • These cases of use Reserve Auditorium, Agendar Coffee and Schedule Event would be <<extends>, no?

  • But why would they extend?

  • 1

    > When use case B extends use case A, it means that when use case A is executed use case B may (may - may not be) be executed as well. The direction of the relationship is from the case of extensor use (here the case of use B) to the case of extended use (here the case of use A). Source:

  • I couldn’t understand it properly, but I’ll get into this link that you send. Thank you!! But let me explain better what happens in the use case: If one of these three cases is executed, the use case "Check Availability" must be executed as well, making it a subroutine. So whenever a reservation occurs, there should be an availability check. Still confusing the use of Extend and Incluide.

  • 3

    I find the names "extends" and "includes" very bad for understanding in English. I change mentally for "complements" and "requires" and everything is fine. At least for me this is what they do: includes is required by the use case and extends complements the use case (in an optional way). This also avoids confusion with the "extend" of inheritance, as it has in Java.

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