As far as I know. NET does not inform you the number of references that an object has programmatically, since it is the function of GC to manage the references.
Searching a little I discovered this topic: C# - Get number of References to Object
In it a user says that the counting of references can be dangerous because there can be circular reference cases.
But you can also build a "Manager" that counts the amount of references using the Weakreference
and a dictionary.
Follow a basic example to get a notion. (There may be logic error)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace HelperStack
public static class ContadorHelper
* var objeto1 as new ClasseTal
* var objeto2 as new SubClasse
* var objeto3 as new SubClasse
* objeto2.Prop1 = objeto1.ObterReferencia()
* objeto3.Prop1 = objeto1.ObterReferencia()
* Console.log(objeto1.ObterContador())
private static Dictionary<int, Dictionary<WeakReference, int>> Referencias { get; set; } = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<WeakReference, int>>();
/// <summary>
/// Use esta função toda vez que quiser usar a referencia do objeto em outro local
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">Objeto qualquer.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static object ObterReferencia(this object obj)
if (Referencias.Count(x => x.Key == obj.GetHashCode()) > 0)
var aux = Referencias[obj.GetHashCode()].FirstOrDefault();
if (aux.Equals(default(KeyValuePair<WeakReference, int>)))
//Retorna uma unica referencia
Referencias[obj.GetHashCode()].Add(new WeakReference(obj), 1);
return obj;
Referencias[obj.GetHashCode()][aux.Key] = aux.Value + 1;
//Retorna uma referencia do objeto
return aux.Key.Target;
//Cria uma nova estrutura
Referencias.Add(obj.GetHashCode(), new Dictionary<WeakReference, int>());
Referencias[obj.GetHashCode()].Add(new WeakReference(obj), 1);
return obj;
public static int ObterContador(this object obj)
if (Referencias.Count(x => x.Key == obj.GetHashCode()) > 0)
//Obtem a quantodade
return Referencias[obj.GetHashCode()].First().Value;
//Caso não exista referencia do objeto
return -1;
private static void AtualizarLista()
List<int> remover = new List<int>();
foreach (var objRef in Referencias)
//Verifica se o GC coletou o objeto
if (objRef.Value.First().Key.IsAlive)
foreach (var keys in remover)
The CLR does not maintain larger reference counts, so there is no reference count to be obtained. The garbage collector only cares if an object has zero references or at least one reference. p=13173/
– Tony
Maybe you can create some variable, some static field that counts each time the class is instantiated.
– Tony
Perhaps the simplest way to solve the question would be to place a static (global access) counter that would be incremented in the class constructor. Basically, whenever the class was instantiated the counter increased.
– João Martins