How to use quotation marks inside quotation marks and exchange words inside the argument?


Viewed 6,223 times


Rotating the

os.system("reg add "caminho\caminho\caminho\caminho\"")

and if you can do more, you have a way for me to pick a word in the middle of that command and replace it with another??

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1 answer


To use quotes within a string definition, you need to escape it with \.


"meu nome é \"wallace\"

The result will be:

'meu nome é "wallace"'

You could also replace double quotes with single quotes, to make this definition easier to read:

'meu nome é "Wallace"'

To replace a specific section, use the method replace of his str.


'meu nome é Robin'.replace('Robin', 'Wallace')

The result will be:

'meu nome é Wallace'

My considerations and recommendations

To execute this command, I would not escape the string, and yes, I would use the str, to improve readability, thus:

cmd = 'reg add "{0}"'.format("caminho\caminho\caminho")


Or still using the operator % to define the str.

caminho = "caminho\caminho\caminho"
cmd = "reg add "%s"' % caminho;

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