How can I update a table by setting the value of a field with the same value contained in another table for all records?
I have a 'product' table and a 'movproduto' table. I want to update the information regarding the cost price in the 'product' table with the same value contained in the table 'movproduto'.
tabela 'produto'
tabela 'movproduto'
I tried a few ways and I didn’t succeed. Example of how I was trying:
update produto p
inner join movproduto m on m.codproduto = p.codproduto
set p.vlrprecocusto = m.vlrprecocusto;
This sql returns the following error:
token unknown - line 2, column 5
I’m using Firebird 2.5
Right. I tried it the way you suggested. But it returns error: 'Column Unknown m.vlrprecocusto At line 1, column 42'
– Bruno Ferreira
I edited my answer, check if the solution solves
– Matheus Ribeiro