Is it possible to get some value from the browser that identifies the user’s machine?


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I am searching for some way to identify and validate workstations, and would like to get some value from the machine that is not changeable, such as the IP that can change.

I tried to get the MAC address, but it does not seem to be possible for browser security reasons (as mentioned in this question right here in the SO-PT).


Are wondering if there is any other secure value that I can get via browser and base to validate a workstation, I need that value to free and block stations, and this has/will have no connection with system authentication.

Note: I can get this value through the client (Javascript), or server (ASP.Net MVC). Ultimately creating a Java applet (which is not the choice but feasible since stations would need to have Java installed and configured in browsers).

From what I noticed a 100% reliable alternative, does not seem to be possible, so I would like a viable option without having to use extensions (Java Applets, or Flash), using purely browser features (Can be considered using recent browser IE9+).

  • 3

    Bank browser plugins do this, I think q use java applets

  • That’s right @Caputo, I just wouldn’t want to have to use Java Applets.

  • With JS you can collect a lot of information about how the machine is configured. If you are lucky, no one else will have the same configuration. As incredible as it seems the chance is quite great. It may change, but it is another way to identify.

  • You couldn’t create a unique number for the machine and use it if it didn’t exist?

  • @bigown, this would be easily changeable right? For my purpose is to get a value and validate the machine for a 7 day type time period.

  • It is a @Felipeavelar option, but where I would store this value safely for a long period of time?

  • 5

    It is, but there is no real way reliable, not even MAC address.

  • 3

    @Fernando you can store and recover some unique data using local Storage with javascript, but depends on browser settings. Another solution would be to create a login bookmarklet, as I explained in this reply: (remembering that a malicious user could copy the bookmarklet if they have access to the machine, so the solution is only valid if it is an addition to something more robust)

  • 2

    If it were easy to identify machines via Javascript advertising agencies would not have to do so many gambits to monitor people.

  • Have you tried using browser cookies?

  • It would not solve, because I could use another browser and it would be invalid.

  • @Fernando You mentioned work stations. I’m guessing a LAN, correct?

  • Not always @Onosendai, what you would have to do is release any workstation on LAN or via the Internet. I’m thinking of other possibilities, because I think this will not be possible, but if you have some idea for LAN, it may be useful.

  • If you are on a LAN, you have access to the ARP table, which can identify the MAC Address of a given IP - which makes unique identification easy.

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2 answers


There is no way to get a value that only identifies the machine, either on the client side by javascript or on the server side.

The only way would be to run some program on the client side, as you yourself mentioned using a java applet.

And note that even though it is not 100% reliable, if take for example the MAC address there are still ways to exchange this address, even there are network cards that allow to exchange it for any value.


The simple answer is not possible.

The most elaborate answer is that depending on the desired level of reliability you can use alternatives (no use of cookies or any data saved on the customer) that work reasonably well.

An example would be the fingerprint of the browser, which is to take data from the browser to identify it in the future, see more details on

Note that if any of the components used in fingerprint change you will no longer recognize that client.

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