Basic Commands


Viewed 45 times


Good afternoon.

I’m new to the database and I can’t solve this solution

Assemble a clause that performs UPDATE, for all employees who perform the function "Computer Programmer", changing its function to "Programming Manager"

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Update YOUR TABLE NAME set COLUMN NAME = "Programming Manager" Where COLUMN NAME = "Computer Programmer";

  • 2

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  • @Joãovitorcastilhogamba It is preferable that you add this information in the question itself rather than spread it by the comments. Just click on [Edit] (just below the question) and add the information. See also this link, that gives tips on how to format the code in the question.

  • @hkotsubo ready is edited.

1 answer


Since no information was passed on to the structure of the case, a more "standardized" example to address the doubt would be:

UPDATE funcionario SET funcao = 'Gerente de programação' WHERE funcao = 'Programador de Computador'.

The SETwill assign the desired value in the given field and the WHERE will filter which records will undergo the change according to the informed condition.

  • In the case of two Tables. An Employee call and this one contains the Function column. The other table calls Function and this one has the Function column

  • Could you edit the question or comment on the structure details, such as the names and field types of these tables? So you will be better answered.

  • Is the name of the table like that? With accent and everything? And how is the table of functions?

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