Problems with Array


Viewed 65 times


I’m making a facial recognition system, and that’s all I need to finish. I have the following code:

for (int i = 0; i < facesDetectadas.size(); i++) {
                                Rect dadosFace = facesDetectadas.get(i);
                                rectangle(imagemCamera, dadosFace, new Scalar(255, 255, 0, 0), 2, i, i);
                                Mat faceCapturada = new Mat(imagemCinza, dadosFace);
                                opencv_imgproc.resize(faceCapturada, faceCapturada, new Size(160, 160));

                                IntPointer rotulo = new IntPointer(1);
                                DoublePointer confianca = new DoublePointer(1);
                                reconhecedor.predict(faceCapturada, rotulo, confianca);
                                int predicao = rotulo.get(0);
                                String nome;
                                if (predicao == -1) {
                                    nome = "Desconhecido";
                                } else {
                                    nome = pessoas[predicao] + " - " + confianca.get(0);
                                int x = Math.max( - 10, 0);
                                int y = Math.max( - 10, 0);
                                putText(imagemCamera, nome, new Point(x, y), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.7, new Scalar(0, 255, 0, 2));

And further up, I have in the "rec" method I have the same array:

Follow the method rec:

private void rec() {
    SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() {
        protected Object doInBackground() throws Exception {
            try {
                String SQL = "SELECT * FROM reconhecer where id=" + campoid.getText() + "";

                while ( {
                    System.out.println("Pessoa idêntificada como: " +;

                    Array identificacao =;
                    String[] pessoas = (String[]) identificacao.getArray();

                    for (int i = 0; i < pessoas.length; i++) {


            } catch (Exception ex) {
            return null;

Reason I did it separately: I did a swing worker, and it makes it easy not to hang on to the application.

My problem and my doubt: Mine pessoas where is the if, does not recognize the pessoas who’s in the rec, how can I leave the pessoas visible for everything? I tried to use global but it doesn’t work either.

  • 1

    Provide a [mcve] or a more relevant code, because this code there does not say much to help you in relation to doubt.

  • Hello, Abner! Could you share the two whole methods? You can’t pass pessoas via parameter to the rec?

  • The method containing this if need to receive as parameter the array with which you want to work within the if.

  • 2

    doInBackground runs on a different thread, you will not be able to share variables, nor publish, between what is outside and inside it.

  • Yes, but if I put the array there, it needs to "call" the other parameters, for example, the, I tried to put it there, but it locks the whole application, in every bank check, it locks everything.

  • 1

    It makes it easier to help you if you provide one [mcve], because it is better to analyze the code. These loose passages make it difficult to analyze more accurately.

  • Or you can read and analyze that answer and see if it fits your case.

  • @Articuno is right about the Thread issue, but then you won’t remove it. You can change this variable to be a Singleton thread safe. Check out this answer:

  • No result... I just don’t put the pessoas in my if why the system crashes all over. I’ll see if I can get something here. Thank you.

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