I’m embedding an iframe with a google maps link inside my Onica application, how do I check if the frame was loaded 100%? Because, depending on the user’s internet connection, it may take a few seconds to load and during those seconds, I would like to perform an action.
How are you calling iframe? only in HTML?
– Felipe Miranda
Yes, Felipe....
– ClttiBR.
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=! 1m18! 1m12! 1m3! 1d3656.976123884744! 2d-46.65830728502199! 3d-23.56930098467905! 2m3! 1f0! 2f0! 3f0! 3m2! 1i1024! 2i768! 4f13.1! 3m3! 1m2! 1s0x94ce59c41d440a33%3A0xfde78c1318fcbc9c! 2sAlameda+Campinas%2C+977+-+Jardim+Paulista%2C+S%C3%A3o+Paulo+-+SP%2C+01404-001! 5e0!3m2! 1spt-BR! 2sbr! 4v1530191321720" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
– ClttiBR.