Connection to separate PDO databases - (multi-tenancy )


Viewed 292 times


I have the following password for my application: I have a PHP + Mysql application, with PDO connection, I need the application to be shared with all registered companies, but each company will have its database separately.



1 - Con.class.php => Responsible for connecting to the database using PDO - Singleton

2 - Config.php => Via define(); takes the values to be passed to connection - (Host, User, DB...)

Central Database:

3 - TABLE Companies => Receives the companies that will use the application, containing the connection information - (Host, User, DB, Password)

Customer Databases (db1, bd2, db3.....):

4 - TABLE Users => Contains user information, including "ID_EMPRESA" to reference which company it belongs to in addition to login information- (user_login, user_password, user_email...)

How can I make each company log into its base it will be created when registering companies, besides not having the knowledge advanced in PHP, I couldn’t find a help on this by researching.



class Conn {

    private static $Host = SIS_DB_HOST;
    private static $User = SIS_DB_USER;
    private static $Pass = SIS_DB_PASS;
    private static $Dbsa = SIS_DB_DBSA;

    private static $Connect = null;

    private static function Conectar() {
        try {
            if (self::$Connect == null):
                $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . self::$Host . ';dbname=' . self::$Dbsa;
                $options = [ PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES UTF8'];
                self::$Connect = new PDO($dsn, self::$User, self::$Pass, $options);
                self::$Connect->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            PHPErro($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine());

        return self::$Connect;

    public static function getConn() {
        return self::Conectar();

    private function __construct() {


    private function __clone() {


    private function __wakeup() {




if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $urlcentral):
    define('HOST', $linkBanco);
    define('USER', $userBanco);
    define('PASS', $senhaBanco);
    define('DBSA', $nomeBanco);
    define('HOST_CLIENTE', $linkBancoCliente);
    define('USER_CLIENTE', $userBancoCliente);
    define('PASS_CLIENTE', $senhaBancoCliente);
    define('DBSA_CLIENTE', $nomeBancoCliente);

Is it possible to perform these actions? When the user enters the Login and Password, check which company it belongs to, and take the database connection information and it be connected in the database of the company to which it belongs. Thank you!

  • 1

    I think the biggest problem there is in class structuring. It makes no sense to change the constant to change the value of class property. Why not instantiate the class with the values passed by parameters, according to the client?

  • Young man, if you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to use the comments to ask...

1 answer


In your case, young man, I would reimplementate that connection. I believe that Singleton in this case (and in the majority, in my humble opinion) is more of a structure than helps.

I believe that a good option would be for you to have a list of connections saved in a array, separated each by an index, to indicate the application that each belongs to.

Then you can use the Multiton standard combined with Factory, to be able to generate these unique connections...

I made a sketch just to illustrate, but you can create it based on a structure similar to this:

class Connection

    protected $dsn;

    protected $user;

    protected $password;

    protected $options;

    public function __construct(array $options)
        // monta as variáveis de acordo com o option

        //$this->dsn = $this->buildDsn($options); 

        // ...

    public function getPdo()
        if ($this->pdo === null)
            $this->pdo = new \PDO($this->dsn, $this->user, $this->password, $this->options);

        return $this->pdo;

class ConnectionFactory
    protected static $connections = [
        'app_1' => [
            'host' => '...',
            'password' => '...',

        'app_2' => [
            'host' => '...',
            'password' => '...'

    protected static $instances = [];

    // implementação multiton

    public static function getConnection($name)
        if (! isset(static::$instances[$name])) {

            static::$instances[$name] = new Connection(static::$connections[$name]);

        return static::$instances[$name];

Note now, that you could create the instance of connection to the database, normally according to the desired client.


  $db1 = ConnectionFactory::getConnection('app_1');

  $db2 = ConnectionFactory::getConnection('app_2');

In the above case, the calls could occur anywhere in the application, as the constructions of the instances are stored in a array and, if available, are not recreated, only reused.

In the above case, I combined Factory with Multiton (a Singleton based on parameters) to keep the structure similar to what you currently have (you must have a reason to be using English).

  • Friend I used Singleton in the project because at first I didn’t have this need today, so I thought instead of doing everything from scratch, it would be possible to change only the connection part, since the whole project is ready for use. I will try to apply what you taught me above. I thank you very much.

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