Show videos from a folder


Viewed 118 times


Guys I was using the following code to show several images in a listview as if it were a library.

For Each arquivos In FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles(caminho, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.png", "*.jpg")

        Using str As Stream = File.OpenRead(arquivos)
            img = Image.FromStream(str)
        End Using

        ListView1.LargeImageList = imagem
        ListView1.Items.Add(arquivos, contador)
        contador += 1

I wonder if I can do something similar but with video. Showing a frame of the video and clicking to open the video.

Ex: Microsoft Movies & TV and Youtube.

    1. Lists the files in the folder, 2) generates a Thumbnail (Thumbnail) for each of the video files. 3) Displays Thumbnails
  • That’s the part I’m struggling with. How I feed the thumbnails from the videos?

  • I thought to use ffmpeg: ffmpeg.exe -i video_file.mp4 -ss 00:00:01.000 -vframes 1 output.png

  • Azure has this service:

  • Please could not give an example of a code?

  • var process = Process.Start(...); process.Waitforexit();

  • Could you give an example of a code of how to take a frame of a video to use as a thumbnail using the language I used?

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